
One more time...

Honour and gratitude!




It's the final countdown

or... It's the time of freaking out!!!

I'm used to it by now
Another day, just believe
Another day, just breathe
Just breathe...



Filling in job applications is a challenge: an assessment of life which I don't like to go through.
Going through each and every one job experience: a nightmare.
My nightmare: when I'm asked to write my job achievements,
the human resources department would never understand mine,
because are those that you can't write, and they can't be explained with words..
they wouldn't fit in a job application... maybe in a methaphysical one!
Grey FLASHBACKS of feelings and situations...
that bring second chances to take better decisions.


Massive Attack - Angel

I was at the Running machine - running to nowhere..

Ironically the video portraits ´All the guys chasing him are his fears... finally... he decides to face them all, and chases them all away...´


June 2009 - Celebrating 10th Anniversary!

The story starts like this:

´Hace frío en el avión, aunque me dijeron que es pleno verano y el clima es bastante cálido. Seguramente es porque estoy nerviosa, si es eso. Al final después de todo lo que tuve que pasar, no me puedo quejar, ¡estoy trepada en este avión y voy a vivir en Nueva York! ¿Quién iba a pensar que la loca que se salió la noche de Año Nuevo con un par de maletas a la calle y dar una vuelta a la manzana, deseando poder irse de la ciudad lo iba a lograr? Ni yo misma me lo creo. No, ni me creo que me haya metido en esto, ni sé en lo que me voy a meter...´*
*Escrito en un día de inspiración entre 1999 y 2000, Chappaqua, NY.

Best way to commemorate: the music that have kept me company in my journey...

The odd life..

Appearing when and where you least expect it!!


Second chances to take better decisions..