
The roller coaster

A few weeks ago (actually it's been months) there was a non-stop spinning.. like a washing machine.

Now it's a roller coaster.. Ups and downs.

UP with solutions, expectations, potentials, dreams, and decisions taken... and then... Nothing!!

Another disappointment to the list,
which by the way,
it's been full of disappointments for the last months.

I just keep breathing...


Identifying sabogate

A couple of days ago, I noticed something unexpected, news, a possibility, a potential of what I want(ed)... going back to the place I want(ed) to be, working in the place I want(ed) to work, with the people I had work(ed)...
and suddenly my reaction was a thought that I really didn´t want to be there, or work there, because now I was doing something else and I´ve taken a different path.
But then I realised I was making up all those excuses because I had a fear of completness, of a real challenge, that I was actually sabotaging myself with all these excuses. It´s a game I´ve been playing all these years,
I felt a hole in my stomach when I realised this, why am I doing this to myself? I identified it´s fear of completness and fulfillment.
Do I really want to continue to be living like I have been living? NO, I made a conscious decision IT IS ENOUGH.
I´ve been breathing in the fear into myself, and let it go little by little building confidence and trusting myself.
Today I did what I had to do because I AM THAT I AM.


Next cycle

After months of a looong spin cycle in the life's washing machine, which left many good and bitter experiences, but a lot of learning, trust, and love of oneself.
When the days appeared to be dark and things were getting worse, suddently after a traumatic experience, the skies cleared and there is light at the end of the tunnel, it is far, and I don't know where it goes, but light whatsoever. After the spinning the drain cycle stared, and it took with it many unnecessary 'things' and energies. So I integrate with mySelf.

Now it's the turn of a new technological device: the purifier
The air purifier will help to clean the interior's air, using filters to catch the bacteria and the air particles, preventing their circulation around you. Of course, CLEAN air it is important for everyone, but especially for yourSELF.